About Us

As a high school student, I had faced huge challenges while doing research. To overcome this challenges, I took lots of time to find out the key information and useful tools. I think the best way to contribute is to share my experience and tools to high school students who aim to do research.

Our Mission

To provide useful information to high school students who aim to do research, including

– Find out Passion and Foundation Knowledge  

– Methodology & Tips

– Best Practice Database

– Useful Tools &  Websites

Brian Wu

Founder of R4US

Why Do Research Projects As a High School Student?

What’s the one thing you are most passionate about in the world? Have you ever thought of a specific problem or question in that area and wondered how you could start pursuing a solution or an answer? 

Research projects provide a structured system and way of thinking to delve deeply into a specific question about an area of interest.

Challenges of doing research as a high school student

There are several major challenges:

Passion & Fundamental knowledge

Methodology & Tips

Best Practice Samples

Useful Tools & Websites


No. 97, Sec. 1, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100029 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)