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This is website is amazing. As a high school student, I have no experience in doing research project. This website provides very useful and practical information as to different stages of research project. The tools and websites are very useful.
This website provides very useful information. I did not know how to start my resear project. This website provides me tools to identify my passion and find out potential research topics. It also provide me the fundamental knowledge to deploy my project. Really appreciate it!

I learned a lot from this website. I have no experience in doing research and have no connection to professor. I even did not know how to start my research. This website provides very practical information for me and now I know how to combine my intesrest with research. 


The UN subtainable development goals gave me very good starting points to find my interested topics. I can find more related information from my interested topics and this approach is very helpful to find out my research topic.


Best Practice sharing is the most exciting information for me. From the best practice research articles, I can learn what are the approach other high students did research and how they did data analysis to come out conclusion. 


I am very impressed in the tools that can be used while doing research. I tried to use the tools and found the tools are very poweful and useful. The tools can help me to improve the efficiency and quality while doing research.


My students used the website toold to do research and they recommend me to take a look of this website. I found this website can provide very prcatical information to the reserch beginner, especially the tools and benchnmarking samples.

Professor Wang

As a high student teacher, I found it is not easy for high school students to do research. This website provides very useful information for high school students to trigger their curiosity and more deatiled information to study. 

Teacher John

From this website, I leaned how to organize my research finding and write a paper in a systematic way. This is very important to commucate with others and get their feedback. 


My classmate recommeded me to visit this website and I found it’s very helpful for me. Most website only shares specific topic related to doing research. This website took life cycle approach to share diffent topics that we might face from beginning to end of research. This total solution approach helps me a lot.
